My Current Co-workers

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Michelle Griffiths

Michelle is one of my channelling partners. She is a professional working lady and her enquiring mind adds colour and details to our stories and challenges me to think more widely.

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Robert Ford

Robert is one of my channelling partners and is also the proprietor of Seddon Book Alley, the best second-hand bookshop in Melbourne’s west. Robert uniquely contributes his perspectives from the book-seller’s and the customer’s points of view.

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Dr Mark Tucker

Mark is also a channelling partner and editor. His attention to detail and encouragement to apply academic rigour to my writing is his unique contribution to the team. He has worked in banking and more recently in academia and completed his PhD late in his career as a university lecturer. He is now retired.

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Joel Etu

Joel is our long-standing transcriber of all our recorded channellings. He is also a dynamic digital service provider who weaves a tapestry of precision and creativity. He is passionate about exploring the uncharted and thrives on uncovering new realms in the digital, and the channelled, landscape. Joel lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

My Original Co-workers

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The late Clynton Cooper-Alyn

Clynton was my first channelling partner and we were the original team. He did this for many years until ill-health forced his retirement. Sadly he passed in 2022.

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Danijela Jakic

Danijela was also an early channelling partner for a few years. She is a past-life regressionist which was the starting point for my current channelling abilities. She is now a doctor of Chinese Medicine in Melbourne’s west.